- 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
- 研究方向: 能源化工
- 邮箱: yunhuang@ipe.ac.cn
- 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
- 邮编: 100190
- 课题组网站:

主要从事储能和清洁能源方向的基础与应用研究工作,重点开展复合储热材料-单元-系统、火焰合成和多源燃料转化等方向的研究,成果在可再生能源供热、工业余热回收、固废电站等中试和工程应用。在J.Clean.Prod., Appli. Energy, Energy Convers.Manag.等期刊发表论文70余篇,获授权中国发明专利10余项,参编专著3部。兼任《储能科学与技术》、Advances in Mechanical Engineering编委、巴塞尔公约亚太区域化学品和环境管理智库专家、ASME储热安全标准委员会委员、中国能源研究会储能专委会委员、中关村储能联盟长时储能专委会委员等。获得2017年江苏省科技进步三等奖、2020年辽宁省科技进步一等奖、2021年中国能源研究会优秀青年科技工作者称号和2022年中国发明协会创业创新一等奖。
1.X. Xu, T. Sun, W. Liu, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Huang*, An experimental and numerical study on the leakage of molten phase change material through a micropore under gravity, Chemical Engineering Science, 251 (2022).
2.J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Huang*, Synthesis and characterization of form-stable carbonate/steel slag composite materials for thermal energy storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 52 (2022).
3.W. Liu, Y. Huang*, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the melting enhancement of composite phase change material with highly conductive additives - Effect of discrete particulate phase and continuous conductive network, Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022).
4.Q. Huang, Y. Huang*, A. Tian, N. Wang, T. Sun, X. Xu, Thermal Stability of Nitrate-Based Form-Stable Thermal Storage Materials with In Situ Optical Monitoring, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 (2020) 10737-10745.
5.D. Li, J. Wang, Y. Ding, H. Yao, Y. Huang*, Dynamic thermal management for industrial waste heat recovery based on phase change material thermal storage, Applied Energy, 236 (2019) 1168-1182.
6.N. Wang, F. Niu, S. Wang, Y. Huang*, Catalytic activity of flame-synthesized Pd/TiO2 for the methane oxidation following hydrogen pretreatments, Particuology, 41 (2018) 58-64.
7.S. Wang, Y. Huang*, Flame aerosol synthesis of WO3/CeO2 from aqueous solution: Two distinct pathways and structure design, Chemical Engineering Science, 152 (2016) 436-442.
8.P. Wang, H. Yao, Z. Lan, Z. Peng*, Y. Huang*, Y. Ding, Numerical investigation of PCM melting process in sleeve tube with internal fins, Energy Conversion and Management, 110 (2016) 428-435.
9.Z. Jiang, G. Leng, F. Ye, Z. Ge, C. Liu, L. Wang*, Y. Huang*, Y. Ding, Form-stable LiNO3–NaNO3–KNO3–Ca(NO3)2/calcium silicate composite phase change material (PCM) for mid-low temperature thermal energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 106 (2015) 165-172.
10.M.L. Botero, Y. Huang*, D.L. Zhu, A. Molina, C.K. Law, Synergistic combustion of droplets of ethanol, diesel and biodiesel mixtures, Fuel, 94 (2012) 342-347.