- 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
- 研究方向: 疫苗/药物递送载体
- 邮箱: wujie@ipe.ac.cn
- 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
- 邮编: 100190
- 课题组网站:

吴颉,研究员,博士生导师。2007年7月中国科学院过程工程研究所获得生物化工专业工学博士学位,毕业后留所工作至今。研究聚焦于新型生物医药制剂研究及应用。主持国家重大新药创制专项课题、国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目(3项)及青年基金项目、北京市自然科学基金面上项目、中国科学院重点部署项目(课题主持)、中国科学院科技服务网络项目(课题主持)等。已在国内外期刊发表论文60余篇,包括Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, Advanced Healthcare Materials等,两篇文章获Elsevier集团颁发原创研究引用奖,获发明专利授权17项(欧洲、日本发明专利各1项)。获中国化工学会基础研究成果一等奖、中国颗粒学会自然科学一等奖、中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖等,现担任中国生物工程学会生物基材料专业委员会秘书长。
1.Yongjuan Zou#, Xiaoxuan Liu#, Qiuting Chen, Hiroyuki Oku, Guanghui Ma, Jie Wu*. Acid-Responsive Immune-Enhancing Chitosan Formulation Capable of Transforming from Particle Stabilization to Polymer Chain Stabilization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 11403-11415, 2023.
2.Nan Wu#, Qiuting Chen#, Yongjuan Zou, Chunyu Miao, Guanghui Ma, Jie Wu*. Chitosan particle-emulsion complex adjuvants: The effect of particle distribution on the immune intensity and response type. Carbohydrate Polymers, 309, 120673, 2023.
3.Yongjuan Zou, Nan Wu, Chunyu Miao, Hua Yue, Jie Wu*, Guanghui Ma. A novel multiple emulsion enhanced immunity via its biomimetic delivery approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 8, 7365-7374, 2020.
4.Yiqun Du#, Yufei Xia#, Yongjuan Zou, Yuning Hu, Jiaqi Fu, Jie Wu*, Xiao-Dong Gao*, Guanghui Ma*. Exploiting the Lymph-Node-Amplifying Effect for Potent Systemic and Gastrointestinal Immune Responses via Polymer/Lipid Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 13(12), 13809-13817, 2019.
5.Yufei Xia#, Jie Wu#, Wei Wei, Yiqun Du, Tao Wan, Xiaowei Ma, Wenqi An, Aiying Guo, Chunyu Miao, Hua Yue, Shuoguo Li, Xuetao Cao, Zhiguo Su*, Guanghui Ma*. Exploiting the pliability and lateral mobility of Pickering emulsion for enhanced vaccination. Nature Materials, 17(2), 187-194, 2018.
6.Yufei Xia#, Jie Wu#, Yiqun Du, Chunyu Miao, Zhiguo Su*, Guanghui Ma*. Bridging systemic immunity with gastrointestinal immune responses via oil-in-polymer capsules. Advanced Materials, 30(31), 1801067, 2018.
7.Fangfang Nan#, Jie Wu#, Feng Qi, Qingze Fan, Guanghui Ma*, To Ngai*. Preparation of uniform-sized colloidosomes based on chitosan-coated alginate particles and its application for oral insulin delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2(42), 7403-7409, 2014.
8.Feng Qi#, Jie Wu#, Guanqing Sun, Fangfang Nan, To Ngai*, Guanghui Ma*. Systematic Studies of Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Uniform-sized PLGA Particles: Preparation and Stabilization Mechanism. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2(43), 7605-7611, 2014.
9.Yue-Qi Wang#, Jie Wu#, Qing-Ze Fan, Meng Zhou, Zhan-Guo Yue, Guang-Hui Ma*, Zhi-Guo Su. Novel Vaccine Delivery System Induces Robust Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses Based on Multiple Mechanisms. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3(5), 670-681, 2014.
10.Youbin Wu, Wei Wei, Meng Zhou, Yueqi Wang, Jie Wu*, Guanghui Ma*, Zhiguo Su. Thermal-sensitive hydrogel as adjuvant-free vaccine delivery system for H5N1 intranasal immunization. Biomaterials, 33(7), 2351-2360, 2012.