- 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
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- 邮箱: xzhang@ipe.ac.cn
- 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
- 邮编: 100190
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目前以通讯作者在Sci. Adv., STTT, Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., JACS等国际著名学术期刊上发表 SCI 论文80余篇,其中影响因子大于 10 的 SCI 论文 35篇,申请中国发明专利、PCT国际专利 27 项,其中授权专利 17 项。
获北京市自然科学二等奖(第一完成人),国家一级学会颁发:中国生物材料学会“青年科学家奖”,Springer 颁发:生物技术领域“青年科学家奖”。现任国际诊疗领域期刊Theranostics 编委,国际生物材料领域主流期刊Bioactive Materials 编委,中国生物材料学会青年委员会委员,中国生物材料学会纳米生物材料分会常务委员,中国医药生物技术协会生物医学成像技术分会第二届委员会常务委员,中国抗癌协会第一届医工整合专业委员会常务委员,中国生物物理学会纳米生物学分会委员。
1. Zhiguo Lu*, Jie Shen, Jun Yang, Jingwen Wang, Ruichen Zhao, Tianlu Zhang, Jing Guo, Xin Zhang*, Nucleic acid drug vectors for diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023, 8, 2, 604-656. (IF 39.3)
2. Jie Shen#, Zhiguo Lu#, Jianze Wang, Qiulian Hao, Weihong Ji, Yanyue Wu, Huan Peng, Ruichen Zhao, Jun Yang, Yan Li, Zhuyan Shi, Xin Zhang*. Traceable Nano-Biohybrid Complexes by One-Step Synthesis as CRISPR-Chem Vectors for Neurodegenerative Diseases Synergistic Treatment. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 27, 2101993. (IF 30.2)
3. Weihong Ji#, Yan Li#, Huan Peng, Ruichen Zhao, Jie Shen, Yanyue Wu, Jianze Wang,Qiulian Hao, Zhiguo Lu, Jun Yang,Xin Zhang*.Self-catalytic Small Interfering RNA Nanocarriers for Synergistic Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Advanced Materials, 2021, 34, 1, 2105711.(IF 30.2)
4. Chenmeng Qiao#, Jun Yang#, Qi Shen, Ruiyuan Liu, Yanhui Li, Yuanjie Shi, Jingli Chen, Yanqin Shen, Zuobing Xiao, Jie Weng*, Xin Zhang*. Traceable Nanoparticles with Dual Targeting and ROS Response for RNAi-Based Immunochemotherapy of Intracranial Glioblastoma Treatment. Advanced Materials, 2018, 18, 30,1705054.(IF 30.2)
5. Ran Zhang#, Yan Li#, Bingbing Hu, Zhiguo Lu, Jinchao Zhang*, Xin Zhang*. Traceable Nanoparticle Delivery of Small Interfering RNA and Retinoic Acid with Temporally Release Ability to Control Neural Stem Cell Differentiation for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 30,6345-6352. (IF 30.2)
6. Heng Deng#, Fengying Dai#, Guanghui Ma, Xin Zhang*. Theranostic Gold Nanomicelles made from Biocompatible Comb-like Polymers for Thermochemotherapy and Multifunctional Imaging with Rapid Clearance. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 24,3645-3653. (IF 30.2)
7. Binging Hu#, Fengying Dai#, Zhanming Fan, Guanghui Ma, Qunwei Tang*, Xin Zhang*. Nanotheranostics: Congo Red/Rutin-MNPs with Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and H2O2-Responsive Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease in APPswe/PS1dE9 Transgenic Mice. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 37,5499-5505. (IF 30.2)
8. Weihong Ji#, Yan Li#, Huan Peng, Ruichen Zhao,Xin Zhang*. Nature-inspired dynamic gene-loaded nanoassemblies for the treatment of brain diseases. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2022, 180,114029. (IF 17.7)
9. Yan Li#, Linying Liu#, Weihong Ji#,Huan Peng, Ruichen Zhao, Xin Zhang*. Strategies and materials of “SMART” non-viral vectors: Overcoming the barriers for brain gene therapy. Nano Today, 2020, 35,101006. (IF 17.9)
10. Yan Li, Yanhui Li, Weihong Ji, Zhiguo Lu, Linying Liu, Yuanjie Shi, Guanghui Ma, Xin Zhang*. Positively Charged Polyprodrug Amphiphiles with Enhanced Drug Loading and Reactive Oxygen Species-Responsive Release Ability for Traceable Synergistic Therapy. JACS, 2018, 140,11, 4164-4171. (IF 15.1)